From feeling safe and loved to energizing us or giving us the feeling of cleanliness, scent is incredibly powerful. So, it makes scents that we should harness this power and use it in our homes.
Essential oils make it easy to create positive olfactory associations in your home, and you can even choose different scents for different rooms.
In this guide, we’ll help you to choose the best smelling essential oil for home use for every room in your house. From the bedroom to the bathroom, there’s an essential oil that you and your family will love.
Warum ist der Geruch so anziehend?

The brain’s architecture is responsible for making smell such a powerful sense. While our other senses travel through the brain’s communication hub, the thalamus, smell hits our emotion center, the limbic system, instead. This is where our emotions and memories are processed and stored.
The chemical particles of scents travel via the nose into the brain’s olfactory bulb and are processed into a readable scent there. After that, our brain cells convey the information about that aroma to the amygdala, where our emotions are processed, before continuing on to the hippocampus. This is our learning and memory center.
It’s therefore logical that our individual experiences shape the way that we perceive smells. Certain fragrances additionally contain specific properties that trigger certain effects on us mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually.
When you take this into account, you can understand why particular essential oils and scents might work well in specific areas of your home.
So wirkt unsichtbares Design

Smell is naturally a very relevant part of the home and plays a powerful role in making it a place where we want to spend time. There are no hard-and-fast rules in this arena either since people can have very individual reactions to certain smells.
According to scientific research, however, there are certain elements contained in essential oils that have a specific effect on us in some way. So it’s a good idea to start from the point of something tried and tested and then branch out based on your individual reaction.
Invisible design can be described as the layer on top of functionality that completes the space. It includes elements like atmosphere, lighting and mood and is what allows you to create interesting, emotive environments that make it possible for you to be your best self while you’re in them.
Homes can be seen as the seat of command for each of us, and people are increasingly working from home too. The rise of remote work means that it’s all the more important to ensure that your home is a pleasant place to be.
It’s nice to know that the most important upgrade we can make is literally up in the air, as we learn how to wield the benefits of using the best smelling essential oils for homes more effectively.
Essential oil diffusers for large rooms have become a popular tool for beautifying our surroundings and shifting moods, promoting certain feelings and/or mindsets, and improving our overall health.
Although there are no official rules regarding which formulas you may choose to blend and add to your skincare or cleaning products or laundry cycles, there are specific essential oils for room fresheners that you can harness in your house.
When you use essential oils, either individually or in the form of blends, the scents enter your olfactory system and then directly access the limbic section of your brain. The scents can then do their work, whether this means relaxing you, reducing your stress, stimulating your concentration and focus, enhancing your sleep or elevating your mood.
Duftstarke Düfte für jeden Raum
Nutzen Sie diese Ideen, damit Ihr Zuhause wunderbar duftet und ein Gefühl von Glück, Wohlbefinden und Ruhe vermittelt:
Ein einladender Eingangsbereich

While the entryway isn’t technically a room, it’s a pivotal space to use essential oils for room freshener purposes, because it’s the first space in your home that you, your family and friends enter. A pleasant scent makes for a welcoming home, and using fragrances like sweet orange essential oil or a citrus blend will do the trick.
Eine saubere Küche

To instantly spruce up even the busiest, bustling kitchen, grapefruit, lemon essential oil and peppermint are excellent choices. These essential oils are cleansing and detoxifying and smell wonderfully fresh. They’ll mask any unpleasant odors and bring antibacterial and antimicrobial properties to the table too.
You can go a step further and add lemon essential oil to your cleaning products in the kitchen. This fresh smell conjures up a feeling of cleanliness that’s wonderfully natural.