If you’re pregnant, using them for a child, have pets, or have a medical condition, we recommend consulting a medical professional before using essential oils. We also recommend doing a patch test to check if you react to the oils in any way.
How to do a patch test for essential oils
Here are five simple steps you can follow to do a patch test on yourself.
1. Dilute the essential oil of choice with your carrier oil of choice.
2. Apply a small amount of diluted essential oil to your inner elbow.
3. Put a band-aid over the oil.
4. Leave it undisturbed for 48 hours.
5. If there is no reaction, then you are probably not sensitive or allergic
to this particular oil.
If you experience itchiness, redness or other signs of allergy from that small portion of oil on your inner elbow, imagine how it would feel if you applied it to larger areas of your body. Therefore, we recommend always doing this test when using a new oil for the first time.
If you’ve already used a particular essential oil for a while, you probably know if you’re allergic to it or not. However, from here onwards we recommend not using new types of essential oils without patch testing them first. This goes particularly for using them on your skin, but it is also a good idea if you’re diffusing the oils.

Ingesting essential oils
Wenn du ätherische Öle einnehmen willst (in Speisen oder Getränken), empfehlen wir dir, einen Arzt zu konsultieren, bevor du das tust. Wenn du welche zu dir nimmst, solltest du sehr vorsichtig sein. Vergewissere dich, dass das Öl 100% rein ist, dass du nicht allergisch darauf reagierst und sprich mit deinem Arzt oder deiner Ärztin.
Wenn du Fragen zur sicheren Anwendung ätherischer Öle hast, wende dich an einen Arzt oder eine Ärztin oder schreibe uns eine E-Mail an support@volantaroma.com.