Time: 10 minutes
Serving: 1 foot bath
You need:
- volant organic Cabin essential oil blend
- volant organic Lemongrass essential oil
Es hat etwas Schönes, meine Füße zu reinigen, den Tag abzuwaschen und mich auf den morgigen Neubeginn vorzubereiten.
In letzter Zeit benutze ich eine Mischung aus Cabin und Bio-Zitronengras. Diese ätherischen Öle ergeben ein reines und beruhigendes Aroma.
A Foot bath with Essential Oils
20 drops of Cabin essential oil blend
5 drops of organic Lemongrass essential oil
1. Fill the bathtub or basin with 7-12 cm of warm water, or until the feet are completely covered (you can fill it higher if you want). If you use a basin, make sure you have a comfortable chair to sit in. If you use a bathtub, you can make a nice head rest with a towel so you can relax.
2. Add essential oils to the water.
3. Keep your feet under water for as long as you need.
4. Take four long, deep breaths.