What’s not to love?
In the last few months, dozens of social media influencers have provided glowing testimonies about how a tea made from this popular, fragrant herb has given them longer, stronger, healthier and more lustrous hair.
This is one trend everyone can embrace, and when you look at the facts and stats, you’ll see why!
Rosmarintee geht viral

From Instagram to TikTok, “Rosemary Tea” for hair is taking over social media.
@kaligirly’s TikTok channel is just one example of how much attention the trend is getting. On her channel, @kaligirly shares a video on how to make a simple Rosemary Tea for hair growth. This video has now racked up over 4 million views - and counting.
In the video, @kaligirly creates a rosemary hair mist by boiling the herb in water and allowing it to steep for around an hour. She then strains it, puts it in a spray bottle and stores it in the fridge where she says it lasts about a week.
The TikTok user has also shared before and after pictures of her hair after using her rosemary hair mist for a full year. In her words, “this stuff makes your hair grow!”
These videos, among many others like it, have piqued the world’s interest in rosemary as a hair growth remedy. Key search terms relating to “rosemary” and “hair growth” have been steadily gaining traction for months now. An ever-increasing number of influencers have taken note, and there’s plenty of content about how Rosemary Water is the next big thing in hair care.
Wie beliebt ist der Rosmarin-Trend?
In short, it’s getting more popular with every passing day!
Data from Google Trends shows that rosemary is rapidly growing in popularity as a search term, achieving an interest score of 94 out of 100 between August 28 and September 3, 2022. Searches for terms related to rosemary, including “hair oil” and “human hair growth” have also increased by over 110% and 90% respectively, correct at the time of writing.
Laut Google Trends sind die Suchanfragen nach dem Stichwort "Rosmarin für Haarwachstum" in den letzten Monaten ebenfalls exponentiell gestiegen. Die Daten von Google Trends zeigen, dass das Thema zwischen dem 17. und 21. August 2022 ein Interesse von 81 von 100 Punkten hatte und zwischen dem 28. August und 3. September 2022 einen Wert von 100 Punkten.
Was die Wissenschaft über Rosmarinwasser sagt

TikTokers swear it works and there’s clearly a lot of interest in this hair care trend. But what does the science say about Rosemary Water?
A decent amount it seems!
There’s ample evidence available to show that rosemary essential oil and Rosemary Water are effective at treating a range of conditions associated with hair loss.
In men, rosemary has been shown to reduce androgenic alopecia, or male-pattern baldness, as reliably as a popular hair loss medication, but with fewer side effects.
It also appears to be a beneficial treatment for age-related hair loss for both men and women, reducing hair loss and stimulating new growth by promoting better blood flow around the hair follicles and providing nourishing antioxidants to the hair roots and scalp.
The studies and articles below back this up:
Rosmarinöl im Vergleich zur Haarwuchsbehandlung
A study in 2015 showed that rosemary oil and popular hair regrowth treatment minoxidil (also known as Rogaine) yielded much the same results in those suffering from androgenic alopecia or hair loss associated with elevated androgen levels. One group used rosemary oil and the other used minoxidil. At the end of the 6-month study, both groups had seen a significant increase in their hair regrowth.
Rosmarin fördert das Haarwachstum
Dr. James Y. Wang, M.D., dermatologist and founder of the Metropolis Dermatology Center, notes that rosemary essential oil can be used to promote hair growth in certain individuals, especially those suffering from age-related hair loss and androgenic alopecia.
Dr. Wang stated that while it isn’t entirely clear how rosemary oil works, many believe that it can block the actions of DHT, a hormone that can shrink hair follicles and hinder hair growth.
Rosmarin im täglichen Gebrauch
Board-certified dermatologist of MDCS Dermatology, Dr. Marisa Garshick, M.D., advises that you can safely use Rosemary Water daily as long as you do not experience any irritation, itching or sensitivity.
If you are just starting your regimen, Dr. Garshick recommends using the tea around two or three times per week to increase your tolerance and minimize the risk of adverse reactions - although reactions will generally be rare.
Wirkt Rosmarinwasser tatsächlich?

In a nutshell, yes. Even the science says so!
But how does it work?
Essentially, rosemary promotes scalp health. A healthy scalp is the key to boosting hair growth and having healthy, shiny hair. Rosemary inhibits the hormonal changes that can lead to hair loss and improves blood circulation to the hair follicles. It also reduces scalp inflammation and works as an antioxidant. Rosemary helps create a happy, healthy environment for your hair to grow in.
Our Complete Guide to Rosemary Water sheds more light on the subject. Plus, our research on the subject has shown that rosemary is effective and gentle, regardless of your hair type. Anyone can enjoy all the benefits it brings.