The good news is that there are a number of natural remedies that can help to relieve the symptoms of blocked sinuses, and one of the most effective remedies is essential oils.
In this article, we'll talk you through exactly how essential oils can help with blocked sinuses, talking you through some of our favorite essential oils for this purpose. We'll also explain how to best use the essential oils, so that you can get the most out of them.
Was sind die Nebenhöhlen?
- Die Stirnhöhlen, die sich oberhalb der Augen in der Stirn befinden
- Die Kieferhöhlen, die sich unter den Augen in den Wangenknochen befinden
- Die Siebbeinhöhlen, die sich zwischen den Augen befinden
- Die Keilbeinhöhlen, die sich hinter den Augen befinden
The sinuses are lined with a thin layer of mucus. This mucus traps any foreign particles that enter the sinuses, such as dust or pollen. It also helps to keep the sinuses moisturized and protected from infection.
The sinuses are connected to the nose by a narrow drainage passage. When the sinuses become blocked, this can cause a build-up of pressure in the sinuses, as well as congestion and discomfort.
Was verursacht Sinusschmerzen?
Viele Dinge können dazu führen, dass die Nebenhöhlen verstopfen. Häufige Ursachen sind:
- Allergien wie Heuschnupfen
- Erkältungen und Grippe
- Nasennebenhöhlenentzündungen
- Reizstoffe in der Umwelt
- Stress
Wie können ätherische Öle den Nebenhöhlen helfen?
Next, essential oils can also help to kill bacteria and viruses that may be contributing to your blocked sinuses. This is because many essential oils (such as eucalyptus and peppermint) have potent antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Finally, essential oils can help to improve your mood and reduce stress. This is important because stress can exacerbate the symptoms of sinus infections and other types of illness.
Welche ätherischen Öle sind am besten für die Nebenhöhlen?
Von der Reinigung Ihrer Nasengänge bis zur Abtötung von Bakterien, die Nasennebenhöhlenentzündungen verursachen können, sind ätherische Öle ein großartiges natürliches Heilmittel bei Problemen mit den Nebenhöhlen.
Hier sind einige unserer Lieblings-ätherischen Öle für die Nebenhöhlen.
Ätherisches Öl aus Eukalyptus
In fact, the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) states that eucalyptus essential oil is antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, as well as being an expectorant (helping to clear mucus from your chest) and reducing tension headaches. There's no wonder that so many people rely on eucalyptus oil to ease their sinus symptoms!
Ätherisches Pfefferminzöl
A 2014 study found that peppermint oil could be effective at reducing inflammation in the sinuses. The study also found that peppermint oil had an antioxidant effect, which can help to treat respiratory infections, on top of boosting overall health.
Ätherisches Teebaumöl
A 2015 review of studies found that tea tree oil was effective at killing a range of bacteria, including those that cause sinus infections. This review also found that tea tree oil had an anti-inflammatory effect, which can help to ease the symptoms of sinus congestion.
Ätherisches Lavendelöl

Lavender oil is a great choice if you're suffering from stress-related blocked sinuses. This is because lavender oil is very relaxing and can help to reduce stress levels.
A 2018 study found that lavender oil was effective at reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality. This is vital because stress and sleep deprivation can exacerbate the symptoms of sinus infections, colds and flu.
Oregano ätherisches Öl
A 2012 study found that carvacrol, one of the key components of oregano oil, is highly effective at killing a range of bacteria, including those that cause sinus infections. It is thought that inhaling oregano oil could help to clear your sinuses faster and prevent infection from occurring.
But user beware: this is a spicy oil, and overexposure can cause a burning sensation! Remember: a little goes a very long way.
Salbei ätherisches Öl
Wie man ätherische Öle für die Nasennebenhöhlen verwendet
Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, ätherische Öle für die Nasennebenhöhlen zu verwenden. Schauen wir uns einige der effektivsten Möglichkeiten an, ätherische Öle zur Linderung von Nasennebenhöhlenbeschwerden zu nutzen
1. Inhalation
One of the most effective ways to use essential oils to unblock your sinuses is to add a few drops of oil to a diffuser and allow the vapors to fill your room. You can then inhale the aroma while you go about your daily routine, easing your sinus symptoms.
If you don't own a diffuser, you could add a few drops of oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam. This can be especially effective if you add a towel over your head to trap the steam. Alternatively, you could try adding a few drops of essential oil to a tissue or handkerchief and inhaling the scent.
2. Topische Anwendung
3. Aromatherapie-Bäder
Before adding essential oil to your bath, you should always combine it with a carrier oil. This will help to disperse the oil and prevent it from irritating your skin. Once you've added a few drops of essential oil to your carrier oil, run yourself a bath and add the mixture. Soak in the bathtub and enjoy the relaxing aromas of your chosen essential oils.
4. Kissenspray
Unser Fazit
People across the globe have used essential oils to ease sinus congestion for centuries. If you're looking for a natural way to unblock your sinuses, why not give essential oils a try?
You can use essential oils in various ways to help ease sinus congestion. Inhaling the vapors from a diffuser, adding a few drops of oil to your bath or using a pillow mist are all great ways to enjoy the benefits of essential oils.
Applying them to your skin through aromatherapy massage or with an aromatherapy bath can allow them to deliver their potent, natural benefits in a two-fold manner by absorption through your skin as well as via inhalation.
If you're looking for pure, organic essential oils for sinuses, volant's range of essential oils is ideal. Made from the finest organic ingredients, volant's essential oils can help you to keep your sinus congestion at bay naturally. For more information on essential oils for sinuses, contact our friendly aromatherapy experts at