In diesem Artikel stellen wir Dir einige der stärksten Pulspunkte Deines Körpers vor und erklären Dir, wie Du diese zu Deinem Vorteil nutzen kannst, um den maximalen Nutzen aus der äußerlichen Anwendung ätherischer Öle zu ziehen.
What are pulse points?

If you've been researching aromatherapy, you might have come across pulse points. These are places on the body that provide a direct route for essential oils to access your bloodstream and, in turn, your brain.
Pulse points in aromatherapy refer to a few specific locations on the body where major arteries run closest to the surface of the skin. This means that anything applied to the skin at these points diffuses more quickly into the bloodstream than anywhere else.
So, if you're planning to apply essential oils topically, it's best to do so at one of your pulse points.
Benefits of applying essential oils to pulse points

As we've already mentioned, using essential oils on your pulse points is a good way to quickly absorb their beneficial properties into your bloodstream. As such, applying essential oils at these pressure points can give you increased benefits over topical application in other areas of the body.
Essential oils applied to pulse points also exert a powerful effect on the limbic system, which is the emotional centre of the brain. When using essential oils on your pulse points, you trigger a direct response from this part of your brain, so using them at these pressure points will have an immediate emotional effect on you.
Another benefit of applying essential oils topically to pulse points is that they go directly to work on the area they're nearest to. When diffusing essential oils into the air with a diffuser, you'll find that their effect is diluted as they are inhaled and permeate your body. Of course, there's nothing wrong with using them in this way (especially if you're using an ultrasonic diffuser), but putting some aside for use at pulse points will give you a much more concentrated benefit.
The most powerful pulse points for essential oils
There are six key pulse points that are particularly effective for using essential oils topically. These are the neck, chest, inner elbow, wrist, temples and behind the ears. Let's take a look at each of these pulse points and how you can use essential oils on them.
Be sure to dilute the essential oils with a small amount of carrier oil before applying them topically to minimise the risk of skin irritation and to prolong their presence on your skin and their effects! More on how to do this further on.

The neck is one of the more readily-available pulse points, but it's also one of the most powerful. You can use this pulse point to enjoy a range of different benefits. Essential oils on your neck will quickly permeate your brain, and you’ll also get the added benefit of being able to smell the essential oil that you’ve applied, doubling up on the limbic benefits.
The best area of the neck to apply the essential oil is the dip where your collar bone joins your sternum.
If you're having trouble sleeping at night, applying essential oils such as lavender and chamomile to your neck before bed could be a good way to get your body ready for sleep, and improve your mood so that you wake up the following morning feeling refreshed.

The chest is another easily accessible pulse point, and applying essential oils to it can be a great way to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy.
If you're suffering from a cold or blocked sinuses, you could benefit from applying a blend of eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils to your chest, combined with a carrier oil. This can help unblock your sinuses and airways, allowing you to breathe more freely and easily.
Inner elbow
The inner elbow is a surprisingly powerful pulse point, and you can directly target it with your essential oils.
For an extra burst of energy, try applying uplifting essential oils to your inner elbow, such as bergamot, sweet orange or grapefruit. Of course, wearing essential oils such as these on your pulse points can double up as a natural perfume, a pleasant and energising smell for yourself and those around you throughout the day!